Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Wednesday 3/6/13

Today was a day full of clinical visits and it was a long and stressful day. We left home about 7:00 and didn't get back until around 4:00.

We are now past the initial euphoria and learning to deal with the realities of all the side effects of the medicines and all the tweaking that goes along with that.

As is fairly normal with transplants, Karen is now having to monitor blood sugar and give herself insulin shots. This may go away over time as other meds are tapered back. They are also not happy with the levels of blood thinner so have begun new medicines to try to address that to avoid clotting. And of course, when we leave Baltimore, all of this monitoring will have to be transitioned to providers in Winston-Salem (another point of stress!)

But the good news is that the new kidney seems to be functioning great. We are a bit exhausted and stressed tonight but tomorrow is a new day and we are still so thankful for what we know will be a better new life!


Jeanne Hobson said...

Praying for right meds and that it won't take too long. Hope you got some rest today. Prayers, thoughts and love.

Anonymous said...

everyone still remains in our thoughts and prayers.

Mark and Cathy