Friday, March 22, 2013


Karen was discharged from the hospital today. Hooray! We are settled into the Residence Inn Hunt Valley (north of Baltimore) for our weekend stay before moving back to the townhouse on Monday. Per my earlier post, the place we were staying was already rented for this weekend when we booked our stay and would have been going home this week if not for the required second surgery.

Karen is feeling pretty good but still weak and still having pain in her side. The doctors feel confident that is just residual pain from the second surgery and should begin to ease up.

We are looking forward to a nice quiet weekend together with lots of rest.



Anonymous said...

That's awesome news. We continue to pray for healing!
Love, Larry and Sheryl

cindy french said...

Dear Karen and Rusty
I know you thought I deserted you just as things were good then not so good but I promise you have been in my prayers even though I have had my own little trial. I haven't even posted on facebook about this yet but I had another stroke. Just woke up one morning and my left side was frozen my face wouldn't move, my arm, my foot. I couldn't really communicate but Dennis looked at me and said we were going to the ER. He put a sweat suit on me and some jeans on and then we were at the hospital. Another God Atlanta Miracle, we were at Northside The Stroke Hospital!
I am Much better now. Typing is easier than writing. SPEECH is better! THANK GOD! I thought I was going to lose it for a long time AGAIN but God was good. I wrote in my blog last night. I'll copy it and email it' s too much to type again But that was an awesome experience! Walk w/a walker starting PT next wk. So now we pray for one another!
Some day we will visit again now thst I am in Atlanta.I LOVE YOU

Barry said...

Wonderful praise to God. We all know he is faithful and good, remembering it in times of trials isn't easy. You two keep your faith daily and are thankful for every day. God rewards faithfulness and you are proof of that.

Grace, peace and further healing.
With our love and prayers,
Beth and Barry Nelson