Friday, March 15, 2013

Friday Update

We received the kidney biopsy results (taken during Wednesday's surgery) and the kidney is doing great! No signs of rejection and everything looks really good. Karen has had a lot of pain last night and this morning and didn't sleep well but she has always said that the second day after surgery is always the worst.

She has continued to get up and walk around the floor and this will help with recovery. Hopefully today she will be removed from some of the monitoring which will make walking much less complicated.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So glad to hear the great news about the biopsy, though sorry she had a rough night (any night in the hospital has the potential to be rough, but you all have had a particularly tough time). Keep up the positive spirits and be assured we here in Winston Salem continue to lift you before the Throne. God blessings for a rapid and continuous rebound from this last surgery as well as continued health of the new kidney! Dave and Susan Harris (Winston Salem)