Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Surgery This Afternoon

The doctors have made the decision to go ahead with surgery late afternoon. The CT showed the previous hematoma has not increased in size but there are other spots that are bleeding. Continuing to give blood products carries risks to the new kidney so they feel that they need to operate and address the bleeding.

Given the past history with surgery, this is a bit scary but we trust this team and their decision. Please pray for a good outcome and for peace for us about this.


Jeanne H said...

Have had you on my mind and in my prayers all day even when I was thinking earlier there would be no surgery. Sending up prayers constantly not only for Karen but for you, Heather, Ashley and Russ.

Anonymous said...

Praying for peace and strength for you all! We love you!

Jason, Lori, Thomas, & Hampton

Anonymous said...

Our thoughts and prayers are with you this afternoon. Love to all.
Salley and Bruce