Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Setback - Prayers Needed

We have had a pretty significant setback this morning. Karen has been readmitted to the hospital. She has severe pain in her back, nausea and passed out and fell when she got up in the middle of the night but woke right back up. They have determined that she has a giant cantaloupe sized hematoma (pocket of blood) in her abdomen and are doing surgery this afternoon to remove it and check out the new kidney. So far the new kidney looks ok and this hematoma is not near the new kidney. They believe the bleed started first and she passed out from that (rather than the fall causing the bleed).

That is all I know and will post updates after surgery. Please say an extra prayer for Karen.


Anonymous said...

Received your update and sent out e-mail for prayer. I am praying that this is just a minor blip in the road to recovery and that Karen's kidney is fine and the problem will be an easy fix. You both are being lifted in prayer and those involved in Karen's surgery. Pam Brown

Anonymous said...

Lord, we know You know all about Karen's situation. We pray that You intervene like only You can. Touch her and the doctors in a mighty special way so that she may be healed through Your grace. We love, praise and honor You in Your precious name Jesus Amen! Lomax